Yesterday was Biopsy Day.

A week ago, when I went for my first baseline mammogram, I never imagined that I would spend yesterday the way I did.

My mother-in-law graciously picked me up and drove me to the Advocate Christ Breast Care Center at 8:30 a.m. I am grateful that she was available and willing to come with and support me.

When we arrived there was paperwork to be gone over and signed. They went over what would be happening/what to expect.

I knew the plan was for me to have two core needle biopsies: one in my left breast and the other in my left armpit. I understood that ultrasound would be used to confirm the location of the lumps and a local anesthesia injected to numb my breast.

I felt brave and prepared for the procedures.

However, there were some delays and an additional discovery that heightened my anxiety.

The first time the ultrasound tech left the exam room to get the radiologist to begin, she returned to explain that in reviewing my mammogram x-rays from last week that they had noticed another small mass in my left breast.

As long as they were doing the other two biopsies, they thought it made sense to perform a third on this mass. But it was difficult to pinpoint using the ultrasound. So they did another mammogram of my left breast to see if that would help and in the end decided rather than trying to biopsy it yesterday, they would send me for an MRI with contrast that will “light up” if there is anything concerning (i.e. cancer there).

Regardless of the results of my biopsies, that I will likely receive on Monday or Tuesday this coming week, I will go for the MRI of my left breast between days 7 – 14 of my next menstrual cycle, which is due any day now.

So that was unexpected and somewhat unnerving.

There was also discussion about the reasons that we are “investigating” all of this. The ultrasound tech and radiologist explained that each of these lumps/masses alone would only warrant observation. However because there are 4 of them, that is more concerning and worth looking into.

From what I gather, it is still unlikely that I have breast cancer.

And I appreciate that they are being thorough in their investigating.

The actual biopsy procedures were uncomfortable.

The first one in my breast was fairly simple. When they administered the local anesthesia it was actually more painful than the biopsy. The core biopsy itself was quick and the radiologist took maybe 3 – 5 tissue samples. I could feel pressure and there was a loud staple gun type noise with each one.

The second one in my armpit was harder for them to do and me to get through. Because there is less fat in the arm pit area, even though the local anesthesia helped numb the pain, I could feel the biopsies more and the last one especially was especially memorable (not in a good way). I can still hear the sound and feel the pressure when I think about it.

The other challenge that I experienced yesterday, during the procedures was that I had an adverse physical reaction during them. One theory is that I am allergic to the local anesthetic. As a few years ago I a had a mole removed from my back and had a similar experience. That time they termed it a panic attack (my first ever), with my symptoms being light headedness and nausea. Both times it was scary, but yesterday I recognized what was happening and told the medical staff immediately.

They got me a cool cloth and put it on my forehead and then a small piece of candy cane and apple juice to sip through a straw. All of that did the trick and they were able to continue.

Sounds pretty fun, eh?!

But seriously, I felt I was in very good hands. And when it was all said and done, I felt confident that being proactive and thorough is the way to go for me.

It took me awhile to stop feeling light-headed and nauseous. So they kept me there awhile, until I felt better. They did need to do two more post-biopsy mammograms, which now show the locations where they placed small “clips” behind at the sites of the biopsies. They moved me to a wheel chair and did the mammograms while I was seated in it. Then they wheeled me to another room, where my mother-in-law was able to join me.

That room was cooler and the air in there helped me to start to feel better, a long with eating some graham crackers and drinking some water. The staff at the breast care center were amazing and made me feel well taken care of. They kept my mother-in-law updated as to what was happening and why things were lasting longer than expected. We ended up getting home about 12:30 p.m.

I was very sore, especially under my left arm pit, and I was tired. They sent me home with small ice packs that I could put in my bra, which were soothing. My mother-in-law was able and willing to stay with me until Bob got home from work later. That meant a lot to me and was so very helpful, especially when it came to the kids getting out of school and their extracurricular activities. She even made us a yummy spaghetti dinner.

I am truly grateful for all of your positive thoughts, prayers, kind words, and support. As with any challenge in life, I am doing my best to take this one step at a time.

Monday or Tuesday (more likely) I should find out the results of the biopsies. And I am cautiously optimistic that they will be clear/benign. Regardless, I will be scheduling my MRI for later this month or early next.

So that is where I am at now.

It’s not where I expected to be on this day in January 2016.

But such is life.

I will take the rest of today easy, as suggested for 24 hours after the procedure, and try to return to my normal routines tomorrow.

Bob and the kids have Monday off and we don’t have a lot of plans this weekend, which is unusual and welcome. I look forward to spending low-key time together as a family and catching up with some tasks around our house and with my coaching business.

I will keep you posted, as I learn more about the status of the lumps in my left breast and arm pit.

I hope you and yours have a good weekend.


{ 3 comments… read them below or add one }

1 Christine January 16, 2016 at 11:42 am

Sending you all the good thoughts. And thank you for writing this.


2 Catwoman73 January 16, 2016 at 2:03 pm

Thinking of you Kathy, and sending lots of positive energy your way!
Catwoman73 recently posted..My First Annual Net Worth PostMy Profile


3 Lori Lavender Luz January 16, 2016 at 2:34 pm

I woke up this morning with you on my mind. Thanks for the update. I’m sorry that it was not so pleasant (euphemism!) and I’m abiding with you as you wait. Sending you love.
Lori Lavender Luz recently posted..Whose Story Is It?My Profile


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