by Kathy on April 13, 2007 · 2 comments
in Blood Work, Follicle Checks, Follistim (FSH), IUI, IVF, IVF #1, Lupron, PIO, Progesterone Level, RE, Trigger Shots
I just got “the call” and my progesterone was low (0.3)! YIPEE!!!
So the nurse said she spoke with our RE and for now we are “pushing through” with the IVF cycle! I am to do one 5 unit injection of Lupron and one 300 IU injection of Follistim tonight (as I have been […]
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by Kathy on April 11, 2007 · 0 comments
in Blastocysts, Blood Work, Endo Lining, ER, Estridol Level (E2), Follicle Checks, Follistim (FSH), IVF, IVF #1, Ovaries, RE, Ultrasounds, Uterine Lining
Good afternoon! I can’t believe that it is the middle of April and actually snowing here in Chicago today! I had my 2nd follicle check this morning and blood work done. The u/s tech was able to measure 5 follicles on my left side, however she still was unable to find my right ovary. She […]
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by Kathy on April 10, 2007 · 0 comments
in Assisted Hatching, BCP, Blood Work, Cysts, ER, Estridol Level (E2), ET, Follicle Checks, Follistim (FSH), Hope, ICSI, Injections, IVF, IVF #1, Lupron, Odds, Optimism, Ovaries, Ovidrel (hCG), PIO, RE, RE Consultations, Sean, TTC, Ultrasounds
These are highlights from notes I have kept or posts I have made in some of my online “buddy groups” since we began this 1st IVF cycle. From here on out I will make separate posts as I have updates to share: Monday, February 26 at 9:24 p.m. We had our follow-up w/ our RE […]
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RE Consultations
by Kathy on April 10, 2007 · 3 comments
in Assisted Hatching, Background, Blessed, Bob, C-Section, Ectopic, EDD, ET, Friends, Hope, ICSI, Infertility, IVF, IVF #1, Life, Loss, Marriage, Miscarriage, OB/GYN, Optimism, Ovaries, Pregnancy, Pregnancy Loss, RE, Sean, The Future, TTC
Though I am sure most of you already know this… I just wanted to give a little background to our trying to conceive (TTC) story. Bob and I met in college at the University of Illinois through mutual friends on September 2, 1996. We started dating a month later and got engaged on March 15, […]
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