
Today it’s been nine months since Mom died and I have so many swirling thoughts that surround this milestone. I miss her so much. I think a lot about all that I learned from her in my 48 of her 80 years on this earth. I am inspired by how committed Mom was to living […]


It’s my 13th Leap Day. On my 11th, I shared this post, which was adapted from an earlier version that I wrote for The3Six5 writing project, on February 29, 2012 (my 10th Leap Day). I am including parts of those two posts (in some cases adapted) again today, as they are interesting to revisit. I […]


It’s been awhile since I dreamt of, or at least remember dreaming of, my dad. I was in a small gift shop type store, which sold dance apparel, shoes and accessories, as well as toys, and struck up a conversation with another person who was shopping there. I recall the person had a shopping basket […]


One of many idioms that I grew up hearing was how things aren’t permanent until they are “set in stone.” I didn’t spend a lot of time thinking about what it meant or how literal I took the expression until today. It is the seven month anniversary of the day that my mom died and […]

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12 years ago I participated in a year-end blog meme for the first time called Rewind 2011, with fun and interesting questions designed to get writers and readers to reflect on our lives in 2011. I did so again the following year, with my Rewind 2012. After that I took six years off, starting up […]


When I was little and it was cold outside, I would sometimes go into my parents’ bathroom and sit up against the radiator there to warm up. I often did so early in the morning while my mom was getting ready for the day, putting on her makeup and styling her hair. I enjoyed watching […]