
If ever there was a year where it seems like I blinked and it was your birthday again, it might be this one. In some ways it feels as if you just turned 11 and in other ways it has been a really long year, with so many plot twists. We certainly hoped that by […]


When my mom and dad had their first child, my older sister Meg, in July 1970, my maternal grandparents offered to gift them a framed fine art print of their choice, in lieu of sending a bouquet of flowers, to celebrate the occasion of the birth of their first grandchild. My parents chose an Andrew […]


As I shared in my last post, three weeks ago today (Thursday, July 1, 2020) my Dad died unexpectedly. On Saturday, July 10, 2020, we had his funeral at St. Nick’s Parish church in Evanston and laid him to rest at Memorial Park cemetery in Skokie. As the spirit moves me, I will share memories […]


There is no easy way to share this news… Two weeks ago tonight, on Thursday, July 1, 2021, my beloved dad, Kevin Howard Axe, died unexpectedly. Dad was supposed to have an angiogram the next morning, in preparation for a TAVR procedure later this month, to replace a valve in his heart. He had aortic […]


Happy 13th Heavenly Birthday, Molly Marie! Today you would be 13, a teenager. I’ve been struggling to write this for so many reasons. This week has felt really heavy, not to mention this month and year. It is both healthy and okay to feel everything I am feeling and it is really hard. I will […]


The Fault in Our Stars by John Green is the first book that I finished in 2021 and I loved it so much! I bought it awhile back when it was on sale via Audible, before I knew about and switched to Libro.fm (benefitting our local independent bookstore), because I’d heard good things about both […]