IVF #2 (converted to IUI#1)

Bless me friends, for I took a break from blogging. It is has been 10 days since my last post… This morning I had my cycle day 14 (of being on the pill) appointment at my RE’s office. I had an ultrasound and the tech said that everything looked great! There were no cysts to […]

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Every night before Sean’s bedtime, after story time and before lullabies, we says prayers as a family. Sean has a pretty set way and order that he prays for his friends and family by name. Then when he is done, we end with any “special prayers” he or we might have that evening. Special prayers […]


We had our follow up appointment yesterday (Friday) with our RE. We were very impressed with him, the thoughts he shared about our 1st IVF cycle failing, what he learned from the cycle and what he recommends for our new protocol to be! 🙂 In terms of our 1st IVF cycle, he thinks the main […]


To quote Forrest Gump, this morning “I just felt like running…” So instead of participating in the group fitness class where I go to workout, I called a friend (who I use to run pretty regularly with this time last year) and we went for a run instead (while our children were in the babysitting […]


Today I will start taking the pill again and will be on it for 21 days. After that it will depend on the protocol our RE gives us on Friday for this next IVF cycle. I am getting excited for Friday and am starting a list of questions for our RE about what may have […]


Today I am cycle day 3 (CD3). I went in this morning for an ultrasound and blood work. The ultrasound tech said that she saw three cysts on my left ovary, but that they were all small and that things looked good for me to start the pill this week! The woman who did my […]