by Kathy on May 2, 2007 · 3 comments
in Baby Aspirin, BCP, Beta Blood Tests, Blood Work, Bob, Disappointment, Estridol Patches, Family, Friends, Hope, Injections, IVF, IVF #1, PIO, Protocols, RE, Sadness
I got the call a little before 2:00 p.m. today. The nurse said that she had some very bad news, that the blood test was negative and that she was so sorry it didn’t work out this time. There wasn’t much more for either of us to say. I had asked all my questions at […]
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by Kathy on May 1, 2007 · 6 comments
in Bob, Books, Coping, Diversions, Dreams, Embryos, Faith, Family, Hope, HPTs, IVF, IVF #1, Optimism, PIO, Pregnancy Symptoms, Sean, Top Ten Lists, TTC, TV Shows, TWW, Waiting
Top Ten Things I Did Today to Keep My Mind Off Whether or Not I Am Pregnant: 10. Played with my son Sean and his friend, a little girl his age, who lives across the street, while her parents were at a meeting, this morning. 9. Organized Sean’s bookshelf in his room, it had gotten […]
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by Kathy on April 30, 2007 · 2 comments
in Beta Blood Tests, Diversions, ER, ET, Faith, Godparents, Hope, HPTs, IVF, IVF #1, Ovaries, PIO, Pregnancy Symptoms, Resolution, TV Shows, TWW, Waiting
Good afternoon! I am still holding out. I am holding out on not taking a home pregnancy test (hpt) before my “Beta” blood test on Wednesday and also holding out hope that our 1st IVF cycle may have been successful! Today I am 8dp5dpt (13 dpo). Only two more days to go!
I can […]
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by Kathy on April 22, 2007 · 3 comments
in Beta Blood Tests, Embryos, ET, Hope, IVF, IVF #1, PUPO, RE, Sean, TWW, Ultrasounds, Waiting
Just a quick post to let you know that the procedure went well and we are now officially Pregnant Until Proven Otherwise (PUPO)!!!
It was relatively painless, except for having to keep a full bladder so they could get a good view of my uterus through an abdominal ultrasound during the procedure. Of the […]
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by Kathy on April 10, 2007 · 0 comments
in Assisted Hatching, BCP, Blood Work, Cysts, ER, Estridol Level (E2), ET, Follicle Checks, Follistim (FSH), Hope, ICSI, Injections, IVF, IVF #1, Lupron, Odds, Optimism, Ovaries, Ovidrel (hCG), PIO, RE, RE Consultations, Sean, TTC, Ultrasounds
These are highlights from notes I have kept or posts I have made in some of my online “buddy groups” since we began this 1st IVF cycle. From here on out I will make separate posts as I have updates to share: Monday, February 26 at 9:24 p.m. We had our follow-up w/ our RE […]
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RE Consultations
by Kathy on April 10, 2007 · 3 comments
in Assisted Hatching, Background, Blessed, Bob, C-Section, Ectopic, EDD, ET, Friends, Hope, ICSI, Infertility, IVF, IVF #1, Life, Loss, Marriage, Miscarriage, OB/GYN, Optimism, Ovaries, Pregnancy, Pregnancy Loss, RE, Sean, The Future, TTC
Though I am sure most of you already know this… I just wanted to give a little background to our trying to conceive (TTC) story. Bob and I met in college at the University of Illinois through mutual friends on September 2, 1996. We started dating a month later and got engaged on March 15, […]
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