
Seriously, Grey’s Anatomy, for all its quirks and far-fetched storylines, still has my number. No TV show has inspired more blog posts for me. Thanks, Grey’s writing team! Bob checked out of watching it with me awhile ago, so the episodes accumulate on our DVR and I catch up when I can. Usually that happens […]


Yeah, I still watch Grey’s Anatomy. I caught up on last Thursday’s episode this morning, watching via an app on my phone, while getting things done around the house. Side note: How futuristic would that sound to teenage me, who made mixtapes to listen to on my boom box and Walkman?! Once again, the writers […]


You’re fifteen for a moment, caught in between ten and twenty… You probably don’t know this song reference, but we’ll remedy that today. 15. Years. Old. Say what? When did that happen?! I remember this toddler, who loved all things trains, said “Choo-Choo!” often, and would drop everything when he heard the sound of “ding-dings” going down, […]


For the longest time I didn’t understand what people meant, when they said that God would speak to them. I thought they literally heard a voice saying what direction to take in life, when they were struggling with an important decision or situation. In the spring of 1996 (my junior year of college), while traveling […]


I watched the Grey’s Anatomy Season 14 Finale on DVR today and realized that it’s been 10 years since Bob and I (who were late to the party) started binge watching the previous four seasons to catch up in time for Season 5 that Fall. It was something we did together, after Molly was born […]


We started watching Grey’s Anatomy not long after I came home from the hospital in April 2008. It was already four seasons in and somehow we’d never seen a single episode. My parents had a few of the seasons on DVD and we borrowed them. It was one of the first TV shows Bob and I ever […]