
It’s National Infertility Awareness Week (NIAW) April 24 – 30 and today I am participating in the “Bust an Infertility Myth Blog Challenge.” I have chosen to “Bust a Myth” about Secondary Infertility, which my family and I dealt with for over five years. There is one secondary infertility myth listed on Resolve’s list of […]


My ultrasound (u/s) was clear! My left ovary and uterus looked fine. The u/s tech said one of the doctors will follow up with me after reviewing the u/s pictures, but he didn’t SEE anything to be concerned about. That still doesn’t explain my pain, but he did not see any cysts or tumors. I […]


It’s Probably Nothing…

by Kathy on February 24, 2011 · 7 comments

in Fear, Loss, My Ovaries, Pain, Ultrasounds

…but just in case I decided to call my OB/GYN. In the middle of exercise class this morning I started feeling discomfort in my left ovary. In and of itself this is not abnormal for me, I usually feel this type pain in my ovary around the time I ovulate every month. However this is […]


September 17th…

by Kathy on September 5, 2009 · 16 comments

in Baby Benson, Fear, Hope, Inspiration

… is going to be a happy day! 🙂 That is what our OB (who is scheduled to deliver our new baby girl) told us this morning at our routine 38 weeks prenatal appointment. I was crying when he said it, as I was expressing my fear that somehow things won’t go well and we […]


Another week down and two to go… if our new baby girl doesn’t arrive early! 🙂 This journey continues to be such an awesome and strange mix of emotions as we prepare to meet our third child/second daughter. The closer we get to her scheduled birth (via c-section) on September 17, the more real this […]



by Kathy on August 4, 2009 · 14 comments

in Baby Benson, Bob, Fear, Loss, Molly

So I think I have entered a new phase in our pregnancy. A phase that I imagine is common for those who have lost babies. I am starting to get a bit paranoid about what could go wrong with our new baby girl that could keep her from coming home with us and cause her […]