
It’s an old song It’s an old tale from way back when It’s an old song And that is how it ends That’s how it goes Don’t ask why, brother, don’t ask how He could have come so close The song was written long ago  Your Daddy likes to tease me that when I start […]


Oh Happy Day! Once again, September 17th is a happy day! Of course it is, because its your birthday! This picture was taken at the exact minute that you turned 11! Since you were born at 7:55 a.m., and like to wait to say that you are another year older until that time on your […]


Friday, 3-22-96 12:30 AM London Thursday, 3-21-96 6:30 PM E-Town Picking up where I left off… We (Meg & I) went to Buckingham Palace to see the changing of the guard! We waited for about a 1/2 hr. for it to start & it was so cold out that we only lasted through about 5 […]


Thursday, 3-21-96 8:55 AM London 2:55 AM E-Town I am sitting at the Notting Hill Gate tube stop, waiting for a Circle Line Train to campus… What better an opportunity to catch up on my week in here? Tuesday I pretty much spent sitting in front of a computer at 43 Gordon Square typing up […]


Saturday, 3-16-96 4:32 PM Ely/London 10:32 AM E-Town Right now I am sitting on a coach bus in the English town of Ely. This was the last ISA Excursion of the semester. This morning we went to Cambridge. It was a beautiful college town! When Lori, Mel, Rachel, Josh & I got off the bus […]

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Happy 12th Heavenly Birthday, Molly Marie! Oh, how things can change in 12 years, not to mention 12 months… This picture certainly represents that — combining a symbol of the difficult, uncertain, and heartbreaking reality our nation and world are living through (a roll of toilet paper), with an imprint of a symbol that is […]

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