
Thursday, 1-25-96 12:16 AM London 6:16 PM E-Town (1-24-96) Well, easily amused I am & that was the theme for my roomie and I this evening… We were sorta bored, slap happy, & planning her b-day celebration for Friday night, when the subject of our “Welsh friends” arose… We started laughing about what would happen […]


Wednesday, 1-24-96 12:02 AM London 6:02 PM E-Town & Chambana (1-23-96) Well, it was a rainy day in London & after a long night of insomnia… I ended up sleeping until about 10 AM & then going to Bloomsbury early for a swim at ULU! It was very refreshing — 36 laps! Class — British […]


I couldn’t stay awake during last week’s episode of This is Us. That is unusual for me and my current favorite television show. Abby and I had been up late the night before, at the So You Think You Can Dance Live! 2018 Chicago tour stop, followed by stage dooring. As I dosed off and […]


Sunday, 1-21-96 11:36 PM London 6:36 PM H.H.I.  5:36 PM E-Town Called Gramma Dee & Grampa Jack today to wish Grampa a “Happy 80th Birthday!” It was a very special conversation with both of them! They seemed very happy to hear from me & I was so happy to hear their voices and their upbeat […]


Saturday, 1-20-96 3:34 PM London 9:34 AM Evanston ★ Dad’s 55th Birthday! ☺︎ Wow! It’s been 4 days since I wrote in here… Though it doesn’t seem that long. The past 5 nights, & much of my days, I spent hanging out w/ my Pembridge buddies Adam & Paul. They are great guys & becoming […]


Yeah, I still watch Grey’s Anatomy. I caught up on last Thursday’s episode this morning, watching via an app on my phone, while getting things done around the house. Side note: How futuristic would that sound to teenage me, who made mixtapes to listen to on my boom box and Walkman?! Once again, the writers […]