
Sunday, 3-24-96 7:19 PM London 1:19 PM E-Town I should, rather could be, on my way to church right now… but I just don’t feel like it tonight. I believe God will understand… Today I went to a football (soccer) game w/ Garth (he lives here at Pembridge & is on the ISA staff). He […]


It’s an old song It’s an old tale from way back when It’s an old song And that is how it ends That’s how it goes Don’t ask why, brother, don’t ask how He could have come so close The song was written long ago  Your Daddy likes to tease me that when I start […]


The tech who did the targeted ultrasound on my left breast today said as I was leaving that I got the “best possible outcome,” a benign finding, and I concur! As I shared in my post last night, my focus was elsewhere yesterday, when I got an email with the results of my routine/annual mammogram […]


Saturday, 3-23-96 2:30 AM London Friday, 3-22-96 10:30 PM E-Town Just got in from the “Purples Ball” @ the Park Lane Hotel w/ Canoe Club & it was fabulous!!! I met Chelsea at S. Kensington Tube Station about 5 past 6 PM. We then went to the Imperial College Union’s pub — to sort of […]


Friday, 3-22-96 12:30 AM London Thursday, 3-21-96 6:30 PM E-Town Picking up where I left off… We (Meg & I) went to Buckingham Palace to see the changing of the guard! We waited for about a 1/2 hr. for it to start & it was so cold out that we only lasted through about 5 […]


Monday, 3-18-96 9:56 PM London 3:56 PM E-Town 4:56 PM H.H.I. Gramma Dee’s 80th birthday today! How exciting for her to be alive & happy & healthy today… Knowing what a full & wonderful life she has had! ☺︎ I just talked w/ she & Grampa Jack! They are such loves… Grampa is having a […]