by Kathy on April 20, 2012 · 7 comments
in Abby, Bereavement, Blessed, Bob, Coping, Decisions, Exhale Magazine, Expectations, Faith, Family, Friends, Gatekeeping, Gratitude, Grief, Loss, Love, Milestones, Molly, Planning, Relationships, Sadness, Sean, Suicide Prevention
How are you feeling? What are your plans for tomorrow? Welcome to the fourth edition of my “Gatekeeping” blog series. I shared the back story of these simple and yet powerful questions in this post. I have been in a funk for much of this week and realized today that rather than trying to continue […]
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by Kathy on April 10, 2012 · 11 comments
in Abby, ALI Community, Bereavement, Blessed, Blog Hops, Blogoversary, Bob, Change, Coping, Expectations, Faith, Family, Friends, Gratitude, Grief, Happiness, Healing, Hope, Infertility, Inspiration, Journey, Life, Loss, Love, Memories, Milestones, Molly, Pregnancy Loss, Relationships, Sean, The Future, Time, Time Warp Tuesdays, Writing
Let’s do the Time Warp again! Welcome to the eighteenth installment of my blog hop/writing exercise called Time Warp Tuesday! For those not familiar with Time Warp Tuesdays, which I host on the 2nd Tuesday of every month, here is the background of how and why I came up with the idea. If you are here to […]
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by Kathy on March 26, 2012 · 6 comments
in Abby, Background, Bob, Conferences, Dance, Ectopic, Exercise, Expectations, Forgiveness, Happiness, Infertility, Inspiration, Loss, Miscarriage, Molly, Perfect Moments, Pregnancy, Pregnancy Loss, Quotes, TTC, Uncategorized
It’s the fourth Monday of the month which means its time to share our Perfect Moments from March with Lori from Write Mind Open Heart. This is my first Perfect Moment Monday here at my new blog Bereaved and Blessed and I am getting this one in just under the wire! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This weekend I was a […]
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by Kathy on March 6, 2012 · 18 comments
in Abby, Balance, Birthdays, Bob, Change, Coping, Expectations, Family, Friends, Healing, Inspiration, Life, Loss, Love, Memories, Molly, Our Home, Peace, Relationships, Sean, The Future, Time, Transitions, Writing
Today I am 37. It feels surreal for me to reflect on my journey to this age. I have been out of high school now for almost 19 years. This year I will have been married for 12 years and a mother for 9 years. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Since I turned 36 my life has had many […]
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by Kathy on April 13, 2007 · 0 comments
in Endo Lining, ER, Estridol Level (E2), Expectations, FET, Follicle Checks, Follistim (FSH), Injections, IUI, IVF, IVF #1, Lupron, Odds, Ovaries, Ovulation, PIO, Progesterone Level, Trigger Shots, TTC, Ultrasounds, Uterine Lining, Waiting
If there is one thing I have learned over the past three years trying to have another child it’s expect the unexpected! No matter how I may try to anticipate different scenarios or outcomes to a given situation, something always comes up that wasn’t on my radar. I went for my monitoring appt. this morning […]
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