by Kathy on July 5, 2011 · 6 comments
in Background, Bob, Change, Decisions, Family, Inspiration, Love, Memories, Our Home, Transitions
Two weeks from today, if all goes well (dare I say, “as planned”), we will be closing on our current house and our new home, followed soon after by beginning the process of moving. Since we returned from our wonderful vacation with my side of our family to Hilton Head Island, SC (which I plan […]
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Last week I attended a meeting for a women’s retreat planning team that I am serving on at our parish. The retreat will be this fall and I am really looking forward to both the experience of going through formation with my fellow team members and the opportunity to “give” the retreat this fall to […]
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by Kathy on March 30, 2011 · 6 comments
in Abby, ALI Community, Bob, Book Tours, Books, Decisions, Family, Healing, Loss, Memories, Molly, Sean
Greetings and welcome to this stop on the A Gift of Time Book Tour! This is my third time participating in a book tour and my first time hosting one. My previous experiences were with Eat, Pray, Love and Life from Scratch. For those of you not familiar with book tours, they are essentially online […]
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Update: Unfortunately, no one signed up to participate in this Inconceivable book tour. I appreciate what a busy time of year it is and that many of you who might be interested may not have found time to read the book and/or consider discussion questions about it. In lieu of the tour, I have written a review […]
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I started writing this post sometime last Fall and then, as it often does, time got away from me. I decided to come back and finish it this week when I realized that our house has been on the market now for over 5 months. These recent months have been a roller coaster ride getting […]
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My ultrasound (u/s) was clear! My left ovary and uterus looked fine. The u/s tech said one of the doctors will follow up with me after reviewing the u/s pictures, but he didn’t SEE anything to be concerned about. That still doesn’t explain my pain, but he did not see any cysts or tumors. I […]
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