
7 years ago I participated in a year-end blog meme for the first time called Rewind 2011, with fun and interesting questions designed to get writers and readers to reflect on our lives in 2011. I did so again the following year, with my Rewind 2012. Ever since I did this writing exercise those two years, […]


Monday, 2-12-96 9:429 PM London 3:29 PM E-Town I just finished watching John Major, the Prime Minister of England, speak on the BBC about the bombing in London, by the IRA, on Friday about 7 PM. I got many e-mails from home today inquiring about it & my safety, so I made a point to […]


I came across this quote today from Laura Kelly Fanucci, a fellow bereaved mom, via a friend/dad who is grieving and remembering (after the recent death of his baby) on this, October 15th, National Pregnancy and Infant Loss Remembrance Day. These words struck and ring true for me, almost 14 years since we experienced our first of […]


You’re fifteen for a moment, caught in between ten and twenty… You probably don’t know this song reference, but we’ll remedy that today. 15. Years. Old. Say what? When did that happen?! I remember this toddler, who loved all things trains, said “Choo-Choo!” often, and would drop everything when he heard the sound of “ding-dings” going down, […]


Thursday, 1-4-96 12:26 AM London 6:26 PM E-Town (1-3-96) Another LONG day… But I am beginning to adjust more easily and feel more confident about my decision to study here… I got up this morning at 7:30 AM. I felt a bit more sane after catching up on some sleep! Lori got up then too. […]


Tuesday, 1-2-96 2:00 AM E-Town 8:00 AM London Well, its 2 AM/8 AM and I just ate breakfast! It’s gonna be long day… Though I’ve rested, I haven’t really slept, so I believe I will be experiencing a great deal of jet lag! The stewards and stewardesses have been great! In addition to wine & […]