
Three candles

by Kathy on February 5, 2008 · 1 comment

in Bob, CHD, FET #1, Molly

The more I dive into the “blogosphere” the more I am amazed by the stories I read, the experiences I learn about and most importantly the care and support that fellow bloggers show each other. I recently heard about a couple Mary Ellen and Steve whose three baby girls Sylvia, Claire and Lucy died on […]

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Kazoos and Lullabies…

by Kathy on February 2, 2008 · 4 comments

in Bob, CHD, FET #1, Molly, Sean, Song Lyrics

Today I am 19 weeks pregnant. Another milestone for us and especially for Molly! 🙂 I read in a weekly pregnancy email that I got today that at this stage of development that she can hear outside sounds, so that we should feel free to talk to her, sing to her, etc. I use to […]


A story that made my day.

by Kathy on January 29, 2008 · 4 comments

in Bob, CHD, FET #1, Molly, Sean

Thank you for your continued support, encouragement, thoughts and prayers for Molly and our entire family. As the days pass I am learning how much Molly’s diagnosis and prognosis is effecting our immediate family and close friends. Of course our situation is very difficult for Bob and me. However, I continue to be touched by […]


My 1st monitoring appointment for this cycle, since I began the stimulation meds on Monday, was this morning and it went well. The tech found 12 follicles that were under 10mm, so in those cases they don’t report measurements for each follicle, only if there were any over 9-10mm. There will likely be some measurable […]


AF finally arrived yesterday (Sunday) morning, 5 days after I stopped taking the pill. When she still hadn’t come on Saturday I checked my notes from IVF#1 and saw that it actually took 5 days after I stopped the pill with that cycle for my period to start and thus it made more sense why, […]


My period, a.k.a. “Aunt Flo” (AF), has not arrived yet. So I think it looks like my appointment will not be until Monday and thus we won’t start stimming before then. If AF arrives yet tonight I will go in tomorrow morning and would likely start everything tomorrow night. Though I am anxious to get […]