by Kathy on February 15, 2016 · 0 comments
in Anticipation, Anxiety, Background, breast care, Cancer, Coping, Courage, Cysts, Decisions, Exercise, Expectations, Fear, Healing, Hope, Journey, Life, MRI, Protocols, Time
Today we had our second opinion appointment with a specialized breast surgeon at the University of Chicago Medical Center, Dr. J. We were very impressed with her. While in the waiting room at the Breast Center, we had the opportunity to look at information about Dr. J’s background and qualifications. I was encouraged to see […]
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by Kathy on January 26, 2016 · 2 comments
in Anticipation, Anxiety, breast care, Cancer, Coping, Courage, Cysts, Decisions, Gratitude, Healing, Hope, Life, MRI, Planning, Reality, Time
The past week has been filled with researching my diagnosis, scheduling appointments, and touching base with medical staff, as well as our new insurance company. Because of course the year we are dealing with my first breast care scare, we have a brand new insurance plan and company. This Friday morning I will have a […]
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by Kathy on January 18, 2016 · 5 comments
in Anticipation, Anxiety, breast care, Cancer, Coping, Cysts, Hope, Life, Reality, Ultrasounds, Writing
I got a call this afternoon letting me know that the pathology from my biopsies on Friday do not appear to be cancer. The lymph node biopsied in my left armpit was benign with reactive changes. So that is great news and a huge relief. Last night I had trouble sleeping and started allow my mind […]
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by Kathy on January 16, 2016 · 3 comments
in Anticipation, Anxiety, Background, breast care, Cancer, Coping, Courage, Cysts, Expectations, Family, Friends, Healing, Hope, Injections, Life, My Period, Pain, Reality, Ultrasounds, Waiting
Yesterday was Biopsy Day. A week ago, when I went for my first baseline mammogram, I never imagined that I would spend yesterday the way I did. My mother-in-law graciously picked me up and drove me to the Advocate Christ Breast Care Center at 8:30 a.m. I am grateful that she was available and willing […]
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by Kathy on March 10, 2015 · 7 comments
in Anticipation, Anxiety, Background, Change, Decisions, Game Changers, Inspiration, Life, Social Media, Transitions
I have a love/hate relationship with gut feelings. When they come over me, they are so hard to ignore. I feel pulled to embrace them and yet struggle with other factors that play into my perspective. Recently I learned that my friend Jen, from Born Just Right, was getting ready to transition, from dying her […]
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by Kathy on February 27, 2015 · 5 comments
in Anticipation, Anxiety, Background, Change, Communication, Coping, Friends, Game Changers, Grief, Hope, Journey, Life, Love, Memories, Reality, Relationships, Sadness, Time, Transitions, Writing
I was sitting across the table from her, in their kitchen. I asked how she was doing. She said, “really busy.” I said, “I know what you mean.” She replied, “I’m not sure that you do…” And then she told me. He got an amazing new job offer, the opportunity of a lifetime. High risk […]
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