
Thursday, 3-28-96 10:00 PM Leaving London 4:00 PM E-Town Well, we’re off! Yep — we’ve gone for 5 mins. & we’re lost already! This is gonna be a great trip! ☺︎ I can’t believe we are really doing this road trip we have talked about for so long! Lori’s friend Alex is driving, Nick navigating, […]


Sunday, 3-24-96 7:19 PM London 1:19 PM E-Town I should, rather could be, on my way to church right now… but I just don’t feel like it tonight. I believe God will understand… Today I went to a football (soccer) game w/ Garth (he lives here at Pembridge & is on the ISA staff). He […]


It’s an old song It’s an old tale from way back when It’s an old song And that is how it ends That’s how it goes Don’t ask why, brother, don’t ask how He could have come so close The song was written long ago  Your Daddy likes to tease me that when I start […]


I’ll never understand why grief hits us the way it does, at any given moment, and I cannot seem to stop crying since I heard the news. We never got to meet in person and I am still so damn heartbroken. Cancer really sucks. I didn’t think you were going to die and as far […]


Oh Happy Day! Once again, September 17th is a happy day! Of course it is, because its your birthday! This picture was taken at the exact minute that you turned 11! Since you were born at 7:55 a.m., and like to wait to say that you are another year older until that time on your […]


The tech who did the targeted ultrasound on my left breast today said as I was leaving that I got the “best possible outcome,” a benign finding, and I concur! As I shared in my post last night, my focus was elsewhere yesterday, when I got an email with the results of my routine/annual mammogram […]