
Monday, 1-22-96 11:03 PM London 5:03 PM E-Town Well, the a-phis would just about be sitting down to dinner, formal dinner that is, as I write this. I wonder if there is a candle-lighting tonight? I received a long letter and a cute picture, from last semester, from Tara Humphrey today! ☺︎ She has gotten […]


Sunday, 1-21-96 11:36 PM London 6:36 PM H.H.I.  5:36 PM E-Town Called Gramma Dee & Grampa Jack today to wish Grampa a “Happy 80th Birthday!” It was a very special conversation with both of them! They seemed very happy to hear from me & I was so happy to hear their voices and their upbeat […]


Saturday, 1-20-96 3:34 PM London 9:34 AM Evanston ★ Dad’s 55th Birthday! ☺︎ Wow! It’s been 4 days since I wrote in here… Though it doesn’t seem that long. The past 5 nights, & much of my days, I spent hanging out w/ my Pembridge buddies Adam & Paul. They are great guys & becoming […]


Tuesday, 1-16-96 8:06 PM London 2:06 PM E-Town Didn’t get to writing in here yesterday… In the morning I had a very interesting International Business class. After class I went to the Birkbeck library & browsed & wandered… I realized through discussion w/ Nathan & Andrew (the somewhat clueless, somewhat cool Welsh guys Lori & […]


Sunday, 1-14-96 12:53 AM London 6:53 PM E-Town/Chambana (1-13-96) 2 Weeks! I have been here for that long… or short… Okay, I had a bit too much (Merlot) red wine just now… I thought it would help me wind down before bed… Mission accomplished, maybe even a bit more than I had in mind! Today […]

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“Creation for me is the antidote to despair.” ~ Elizabeth Gilbert I follow Elizabeth “Liz” Gilbert on Instagram and saw her post this morning about a new podcast, The Ted Interview, for which she was the first guest. Though I haven’t seen a ton of Ted Talks, I get so much out of them when I take the […]