
8 years ago I participated in a year-end blog meme for the first time called Rewind 2011, with fun and interesting questions designed to get writers and readers to reflect on our lives in 2011. I did so again the following year, with my Rewind 2012. Ever since I did this writing exercise those two […]


Tuesday, 3-12-96 7:50 PM London 1:50 PM E-Town Tuesday evening, turned in my essay for British Society this afternoon, so I finally have time to do laundry… Much needed! The lady who works here just told me I have beautiful handwriting & asked if I was writing in English! Don’t quite know what to make […]


Monday, 3-11-96 8:40 AM En Route to London 2:40 AM E-Town After a very bearable ferry ride & now a painless coach ride (through most of which I slept…) — we are w/in miles of London. Whatta trip! Picking up where I left off… We arrived in Dublin, Ireland’s capital city, at about 8 AM […]

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I intended to start this with a line from a song that I love, called Jack & Diane by John Cougar Mellencamp. It’s about holding on to “16 as long as you can, (because) changes come around real soon (that) make us women and men.” I was going to write about how magical this time […]


You are here, at the start of a moment… Double Digits! A decade in this world and with our family. You reminded us last night that you wouldn’t technically turn 10 until 7:55 a.m. this morning and joked you were going to shout out, “I’m 10!” when the time came at school. You are very […]


On Friday afternoon I got a call from the breast center with fabulous news! The results came back earlier than expected. The mass in my breast is a fibroadenoma. It is completely benign and doesn’t need to be removed. Wahoo!!! Yippee!!! Yay!!! They do want me to return for a follow up ultrasound and mammogram […]