
With each passing year, these birthday/anniversary of your death letters/blog entries seem get harder to write. I know that I don’t have to continue with them and if I ever choose to stop or take a break that would be okay. Life feels really heavy and hard right now. As with every age and stage […]


16 years ago today, on April 10, 2007, I began blogging. Though I don’t post as often or consistently as I have in the past, I am still grateful to have this space to share and process life. On past blogoversaries I have shared things that I have learned from blogging and 11 years ago, since my blogoversary fell on the […]


11 years ago I participated in a year-end blog meme for the first time called Rewind 2011, with fun and interesting questions designed to get writers and readers to reflect on our lives in 2011. I did so again the following year, with my Rewind 2012. After that I took six years off, starting up […]


What a year your nineteenth has been! I had to double check with Dad, to make sure I got that right, and he confirmed that when you turn any given age, that is the year that you just completed. So many milestones and life transitions… In January you auditioned for and made Anastasia the musical […]

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Can you believe it? YOU ARE A TEENAGER! Also, you have teal hair and we live in Evanston now! In many ways you’ve been acting like a teenager for awhile and your age is finally catching up to your maturity level (most of the time), not to mention your vibe (which I think is awesome). […]


Sean started singing that song from Hamilton the musical when I told them about a dream I had earlier this week. I woke up to go to the bathroom in the early morning (about 3:00 a.m.) on Monday, as I often do, and immediately remembered that my dad, who seemed to be alive and well, […]