by Kathy on February 6, 2013 · 1 comment
in Background, Before I Blogged, Bereavement, Bob, Chicago, Coping, Decisions, Faith, Family, Healing, Hope, Journey, Life, Loss, Love, Memories, Peace, Relationships, Sadness, Signs, Social Media, The Past, Time, Vacations
This Friday Bob and I will be attending the Media Preview Day at the 2013 Chicago Auto Show. Though I just found out today from my Chicagonista friend/Editor MJ Tam that, as a blogger, I could have applied for a media pass, we actually got our tickets through a Groupon deal. Our visit will be timely, as last […]
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When I was a junior in high school I was assigned a research paper to do about famous person who has had an impact on America. If I recall correctly, my classmates and I were given a list of approved men and women that we could write about. But, I had someone else in mind […]
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by Kathy on December 31, 2012 · 10 comments
in Balance, Family, Friends, Hope, Inspiration, Life, Memories, Resolutions, The Future, The Past, Therapy, Time, Writing
Last year I participated in a year-end blog meme, Rewind 2011, with fun and interesting questions designed to get writers and readers to reflect on our lives in 2011. As luck would have it, I even got to meet the woman/fellow blogger (from Ups and Downs of a Yoga Mom), who introduced me to the meme […]
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It’s Thursday, which means my latest post is up over at The Today Voice. I enjoy being “Thursday’s Voice” and appreciate your support and feedback about my posts since we launched this writing project in July. I especially appreciate those of you have taken time to comment on my posts over there and share your thoughts on the […]
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