by Kathy on April 23, 2012 · 9 comments
in Abby, Birthdays, Bob, Coping, Faith, Family, Happiness, Healing, Hope, Inspiration, Life, Loss, Love, Memories, Molly, Our Home, Perfect Moments, Sean, Signs
It’s the fourth Monday of the month which means its time to share our Perfect Moments from April with Lori from Write Mind Open Heart. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Last week was the fourth anniversary of our daughter Molly’s birth and death. We celebrated with our family on Saturday, April 14th by going to the cemetery where she is buried to […]
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I have been thinking about my recent Perfect Moment Monday post about being “that someone.” I felt the need to follow up and in some ways clarify what I believe about ideas and concepts like that. First, I thank you for your comments both here and on the Facebook. I am glad that some of you […]
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This afternoon I took Abby and Sean to their pediatrician’s office, as Abby had not been acting like herself. She had been fussier than usual today and she didn’t seem to have much of an appetite. When Abby woke up from her afternoon nap she was inconsolable for about 15 minutes, she just wanted to […]
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As you may have noticed, I blog more often when I am anxious. Thank you so much for your kind words, support, encouragement, thoughts and prayers. They help me so much to take this journey one day at a time and know that so many people are holding me and my family close as we […]
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To quote Ferris Buller, “life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in awhile, you could miss it.” The past month or so has seemed to just fly by and in effort not to miss my life, I have spent less time on the computer and put off sharing about Molly’s […]
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There are two stories that I want to share from this past week before I forget as they were both very meaningful to me. First, on Sunday we took Sean to meet his newest cousin, our second niece, Bob’s brother and our sister-in-law’s second child. For much of our visit Sean didn’t seem that interested […]
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