
Good morning! This was the StoryPeople by Brian Andreas “Story of the Day” emailed to me this morning called “Connection.” If that isn’t a sign of love from above, I don’t know what is. I do believe we are all part of something much bigger and am so ready to Run for Hope and to Remember Our […]


Happy 5th Heavenly Birthday Molly Marie! How did we get here? How is it possible that five years have come and gone since you were born and died? Not a day goes by that I don’t still think about you and wonder how you are doing in Heaven. I have to believe there is a Heaven […]


It’s the last Monday of the month which means its time to share our Perfect Moments from March with Lori from Lavender Luz. I look forward to participating in this blog hop/writing exercise hosted by my friend, and soon to be published author, every month. I have said this before here and I will say it again, I know life […]


This Friday Bob and I will be attending the Media Preview Day at the 2013 Chicago Auto Show. Though I just found out today from my Chicagonista friend/Editor MJ Tam that, as a blogger, I could have applied for a media pass, we actually got our tickets through a Groupon deal. Our visit will be timely, as last […]

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This past week has been a whirlwind! We were away for Labor Day Weekend and had a wonderful last hurrah with family and friends. Yesterday was Sean’s first day of school (third grade) and overall it went very well. Next week Abby starts preschool three mornings a week and in the meantime I am trying […]


Sometimes we see them at the exact moment we need them… Tonight these two welcomed me at the hospital when I arrived for my perinatal bereavement support group meeting.