
I remember how he used to tease me for bringing my binder, with colored coded spreadsheets, to track our relatively routine pregnancy with Sean in 2003. And then he was the doctor on call during our scheduled induction, which ended up being an augmentation, when I went into natural labor earlier that day (10 days […]


For the longest time I didn’t understand what people meant, when they said that God would speak to them. I thought they literally heard a voice saying what direction to take in life, when they were struggling with an important decision or situation. In the spring of 1996 (my junior year of college), while traveling […]


I returned to therapy, after a few years off, in 2011. I was struggling with some difficult relationships in my life, as well as trying to make peace with the deaths of two loved ones, while also weighing the pros and cons of a big decision for our family. Those were the objectives I laid […]


This morning I woke up and, while still a bit drowsy, was checking notifications on my phone. One of the first to catch my attention was that “Molly Marie” had liked this picture I’d posted yesterday of Sean and Abby together after arts camp. Still groggy, I was confused and at the same time loved […]


Happy 7th Heavenly Birthday, Molly Marie! Seven years… That’s how long you’ve been gone. How long it’s been since you lived. Your sister Abby keeps your memory alive as much as anyone these days, which amazes me. She never knew you in this lifetime, but she seems fascinated by you. She imagines and wonders and questions. […]


Holding Her

by Kathy on December 10, 2013 · 12 comments

in Coping, Family, Loss, Love, Memories, Molly, Siblings, Signs

It’s been over 5 1/2 year since I last held Molly in my arms. Today I got to hold a special bear that weighs the same as Molly did, 4 lbs. 10 oz. It was awesome and surreal to hold our “Molly Bear” for the first time. She arrived late this afternoon, after a day that […]