
14 years have now come and gone since we last held you in our arms. 14 years since I carried you, you were born, and, soon afterwards, you died. And what a year this last one has been… I don’t think we’ve experienced a more difficult year since the one in which you were born […]


Every morning when my dad’s alarm went off on his iPhone, he was awakened by The Rolling Stones singing one of his all time favorite songs, “You Can’t Always Get What You Want.” I grew up loving that song and the movie The Big Chill (which has the most incredible soundtrack), because Dad introduced me […]

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If ever there was a year where it seems like I blinked and it was your birthday again, it might be this one. In some ways it feels as if you just turned 11 and in other ways it has been a really long year, with so many plot twists. We certainly hoped that by […]


When my mom and dad had their first child, my older sister Meg, in July 1970, my maternal grandparents offered to gift them a framed fine art print of their choice, in lieu of sending a bouquet of flowers, to celebrate the occasion of the birth of their first grandchild. My parents chose an Andrew […]


I’ll never understand why grief hits us the way it does, at any given moment, and I cannot seem to stop crying since I heard the news. We never got to meet in person and I am still so damn heartbroken. Cancer really sucks. I didn’t think you were going to die and as far […]


Happy 12th Heavenly Birthday, Molly Marie! Oh, how things can change in 12 years, not to mention 12 months… This picture certainly represents that — combining a symbol of the difficult, uncertain, and heartbreaking reality our nation and world are living through (a roll of toilet paper), with an imprint of a symbol that is […]

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