Secondary Infertility

Sometimes we see them at the exact moment we need them… Tonight these two welcomed me at the hospital when I arrived for my perinatal bereavement support group meeting.


Let’s do the Time Warp again! Welcome to the twenty-first installment of my blog hop/writing exercise called Time Warp Tuesday! For those not familiar with Time Warp Tuesdays, which I host on the 2nd Tuesday of every month, here is the background of how and why I came up with the idea. If you are here to participate […]


Yeah, yeah, I’m goin’ ta BlogHer 2012, It’ll be my first time, hangin’ with my tribe. Travelin’ with my sista, Meg’s a newbie too, She writes about adoption ‘n tryin’ for #2. I’m Bereaved and Blessed. I used to be a mess, Cuz tryin’ for another, can bring a lot of stress. We finally got our rainbow, the […]


I wonder how many people pause, like I do, every time someone asks me how many children I have? It should be a simple question, with an easy answer. But that isn’t the case when you have lost a child or have struggled with secondary infertility, then such questions can be painful to hear and […]


It’s Day 5 of National Infertility Awareness Week (NIAW). It took me awhile to figure out how I wanted to “fill in the blank” in effort to support and participate in Resolve’s NIAW Bloggers Unite Challenge. The theme this year, as you may already know, is:  “Don’t ignore…” Though I appreciate the intention behind this theme, I wasn’t […]


It’s National Infertility Awareness Week (NIAW) April 24 – 30 and today I am participating in the “Bust an Infertility Myth Blog Challenge.” I have chosen to “Bust a Myth” about Secondary Infertility, which my family and I dealt with for over five years. There is one secondary infertility myth listed on Resolve’s list of […]