
Wow. Really? Twelve? I can still picture that day vividly. We were so unbelievably excited to meet you! Sean Owen or Abigail Grace… Or “Shabby” as Grandpa Kevin had taken to calling you in utero, after we narrowed down boy and girl names. We wanted to be surprised about your gender. I didn’t think I […]


You are in Kindergarten now and loving it! You started last week and have so many fun stories about each day when I pick you up from school. We have started playing “school” when you get home. You are the teacher and I am your (“very helpful,” especially when household tasks need to get done) […]


This morning I woke up and, while still a bit drowsy, was checking notifications on my phone. One of the first to catch my attention was that “Molly Marie” had liked this picture I’d posted yesterday of Sean and Abby together after arts camp. Still groggy, I was confused and at the same time loved […]


Have you finished your holiday shopping? Do you tend you plan ahead, wait to the last-minute, or somewhere in between? If you have a gamer on your list, you may already know what a great resource GameStop is for gamers, parents of gamers, and trading in/buying used video games and other tech stuff. But in case you […]


My lucky number! The age Harry Potter was when he found out he was a wizard (as you like to remind me). The age you will be when you get to go to Universal Studios and see The World of Harry Potter attractions there (in August 2015). The age you are turning today. Wow! How […]


Happy 6th Heavenly Birthday, Molly Marie! Another year has come and gone since we last celebrated your life and honored your memory. Another year has passed that we didn’t get to have you here with us, in our home and through our travels, though we believe you are always with us in spirit. Six years. Kindergarten. […]