by Kathy on December 31, 2014 · 3 comments
in Accountability, Anticipation, Background, Balance, Bereavement, Blessed, Change, Courage, Decisions, Exercise, Faith, Family, Fear, Forgiveness, Friends, Game Changers, Happiness, Life, Loss, Love, Memories, Mistakes, Reality, Relationships, The Future, The Past, Vacations, Writing
I love this post my friend J wrote and shared today about what she would tell her 2013 self, if she could go back in time. As I reflect on the year that was 2014 and prepare for 2015, I decided to do the same. So to Kathleen Marie in 2013: 1. You truly never know what […]
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by Kathy on October 7, 2014 · 3 comments
in Accountability, Anticipation, Anxiety, Balance, Change, Coping, Decisions, Exercise, Frustration, Journey, Just Write, Life, Mistakes, Optimism, Reality, Relationships, Writing
I am frustrated. I was hoping to get to a certain place, a level in my coaching business this week, and it’s not going to happen (or at least it is highly unlikely at this point). It isn’t for lack of effort, drive, creativity, and support from those around me. It’s a learning curve. There […]
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by Kathy on October 2, 2014 · 4 comments
in Anticipation, Background, Birthdays, Blessed, Coping, Family, Friends, Frustration, Happiness, Life, Memories, Relationships, Sean, Siblings, The Future, Transitions
My lucky number! The age Harry Potter was when he found out he was a wizard (as you like to remind me). The age you will be when you get to go to Universal Studios and see The World of Harry Potter attractions there (in August 2015). The age you are turning today. Wow! How […]
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by Kathy on September 16, 2014 · 0 comments
in Babies Benson, Background, Bereavement, Caring Connection, Coping, Game Changers, Grief, Healing, Inspiration, Journey, Life, Loss, Love, Molly, Parenting, Peace, Quotes, Reality, Relationships, Triggers
I can still smell the soap on my hands as I type this. It’s one of many triggers I experience every time I go there. But it’s worth it. The soap in the dispensers everywhere at Christ Medical Center smells the same. Whether you are visiting a patient, you are the patient, you just had […]
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by Kathy on September 8, 2014 · 6 comments
in Blog Hops, Book Tours, Books, Communication, Life, Love, Marriage, Parenting, Reality, Relationships, Writing
Greetings and welcome to this stop on the Apart at the Seams Book Tour! This is my seventh time participating in a book tour. My previous experiences were with Eat, Pray, Love, Life from Scratch, A Gift of Time, The Sound of Hope, The Open-Hearted Way to Open Adoption, and Measure of Love. For those of you not familiar with […]
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by Kathy on June 23, 2014 · 11 comments
in Background, Bereavement, Blessed, Coping, Faith, Friends, Gratitude, Grief, Life, Loss, Love, Memories, Mental Health, Pain, Parenting, Peace, Reality, Relationships, Sadness, Siblings, Suicide Prevention, Writing
I took this picture, at sunrise on Hilton Head Island, the morning after she died, before I knew she died. ~~~~~~~~~~ I woke up this morning groggy and immediately remembered the voicemail we received upon returning home from our wonderful vacation last night. It was from an old and dear friend’s best friend and I […]
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