by Kathy on December 16, 2015 · 2 comments
in Background, Bereavement, Blessed, Coping, Courage, Decisions, Faith, Family, Gratitude, Hope, Infertility, Inspiration, IUI, IVF, Journey, Life, Loss, Love, Memories, Miscarriage, Parenting, Pregnancy Loss, Reality, Relationships, Secondary Infertility, Time, Writing
Six pregnancies. Two living children. One neonatal death. One interstitial ectopic pregnancy. Two miscarriages. Two failed IVF cycles. One failed IVF converted to IUI. It’s surreal for me to reflect on those years. I am grateful for all that we have. I am thankful for what we’ve learned on our journey to build our family. […]
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by Kathy on October 2, 2015 · 2 comments
in Birthdays, Family, Friends, Life, Love, Memories, Relationships, Sean, The Future, The Past, Time, Transitions
Wow. Really? Twelve? I can still picture that day vividly. We were so unbelievably excited to meet you! Sean Owen or Abigail Grace… Or “Shabby” as Grandpa Kevin had taken to calling you in utero, after we narrowed down boy and girl names. We wanted to be surprised about your gender. I didn’t think I […]
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by Kathy on August 19, 2015 · 1 comment
in Background, Bereavement, Blessed, Cancer, Coping, Faith, Friends, Grief, Hope, Life, Loss, Love, Memories, Peace, Reality, Relationships, Sadness, Time
November 2013 It was snowing, as I got out of my car, at the cemetery. I wasn’t dressed warmly enough. I saw Betsy and Ray in the distance, two familiar faces from our college church community, and made my way towards them. They motioned for me to come closer, to share the warmth as we […]
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by Kathy on June 18, 2015 · 0 comments
in Accountability, Change, Communication, Courage, Hope, Life, Loss, Relationships, Sadness, Sensativity
It’s not enough. Listening is good. Empathy is admirable. But, we need to do something. I get why it’s important to pick our battles. However, that’s not an excuse to never stand up for what we believe in. Without taking a stand, then they are just words. So what? I wish I had an answer. […]
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by Kathy on June 11, 2015 · 1 comment
in Accountability, Anticipation, Background, Change, Communication, Coping, Courage, Decisions, Expectations, Faith, Family, Friends, Game Changers, Grief, Hope, Inspiration, Journey, Life, Loss, Love, Memories, Milestones, Mistakes, Podcasts, Reality, Relationships, Sadness, Serial, Social Media, The Future, The Past, Time, Undisclosed, Waiting
Where were you on Wednesday, January 13, 1999? Seriously. Do you remember? Anything? I was in grad school at the University of Illinois in Urbana Champaign, getting my masters in Leisure Studies (for real, that is something one can major and get multiple degrees in). I am pretty sure I was back from winter break, […]
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by Kathy on February 27, 2015 · 5 comments
in Anticipation, Anxiety, Background, Change, Communication, Coping, Friends, Game Changers, Grief, Hope, Journey, Life, Love, Memories, Reality, Relationships, Sadness, Time, Transitions, Writing
I was sitting across the table from her, in their kitchen. I asked how she was doing. She said, “really busy.” I said, “I know what you mean.” She replied, “I’m not sure that you do…” And then she told me. He got an amazing new job offer, the opportunity of a lifetime. High risk […]
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