
I’ve been considering this for awhile. I’ve consulted with loved ones, as well my therapist and PCP. I’ve been mindful of my daily activities, interactions, relationships, triggers and stressors, trying to imagine how they might feel differently. And I’ve come to a decision. After over 3 years taking Fluoxetine (a.k.a. Prozac), an antidepressant that has […]


I was walking up the stairs to check on them, when I overheard Abby tell her friend (who was over for their first playdate, at our home) that she wanted to talk about her sister in Heaven. I paused on the stairs and quietly listened to the conversation that followed. Abby explained that her sister […]


You. Are. A. Teenager. Holy Cow! And… The Cubs made the playoffs/are predicted to win the World Series! Two things I am not sure if I believed would ever happen… Okay, I knew, or should I say hoped, you’d see this day eventually, as much as you don’t care for the number 13. I just […]


Every now and then I find a song that touches my heart and soul so deeply that I cannot stop listening to it. Even less often I find a story or a soundtrack, in this case both, that has the same effect on me. This is Hamilton. It’s only been about a week since I starting […]

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It started with watching American Crime Story: The People Vs. OJ Simpson. The main focus was clearly meant to be on OJ’s innocence or lack there of, as well as racism and police misconduct. However, I kept coming back to the story of how Marcia Clark and Nicole Brown Simpson were portrayed and vilified in […]


On Saturday I got to hear twelve stories that I hadn’t known before. Each story was unique and from the perspective of a mother, a child, or both. And I got to share some of my story. The lucky thirteen of us make up the cast of the 2016 Listen to Your Mother Chicago show. Over […]

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