
Oh Happy Day! Once again, September 17th is a happy day! Of course it is, because its your birthday! This picture was taken at the exact minute that you turned 11! Since you were born at 7:55 a.m., and like to wait to say that you are another year older until that time on your […]


We’re over 3 months in to navigating life in the time of this global pandemic… Over the weekend I found myself asking, “Now what?” This week my family and I recommitted to making the best of our situation/this unique (to say the least) summer. It isn’t going to be easy, as a friend reminded me […]

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Happy 12th Heavenly Birthday, Molly Marie! Oh, how things can change in 12 years, not to mention 12 months… This picture certainly represents that — combining a symbol of the difficult, uncertain, and heartbreaking reality our nation and world are living through (a roll of toilet paper), with an imprint of a symbol that is […]

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Today I turned 45. Since entering my forties in 2015, I’d hoped, as well as worked to try to make it possible, for someone else to be #45 (making her our first female President), when I turned 45. What has transpired since that didn’t come to pass has been surreal and heartbreaking for me and […]

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Thursday, 3-14-96 9:13 PM London 3:13 PM E-Town I just got some happy/sad news… I talked to Ron Weasley & he got a “real” job! I am very happy for him, but I am sad that he will not be able to therefore return to camp this summer… I cherish our friendship and was looking […]


8 years ago I participated in a year-end blog meme for the first time called Rewind 2011, with fun and interesting questions designed to get writers and readers to reflect on our lives in 2011. I did so again the following year, with my Rewind 2012. Ever since I did this writing exercise those two […]