
I scheduled this blog entry to post today around the time that I will give my witness on the women’s retreat (see my post from yesterday) that I am helping to facilitate at our church this weekend. My witness is about “Discipleship,” what it means to me and my faith journey. I ask that if you read […]


Let’s do the Time Warp again! Welcome to the second installment of my new blog hop/writing exercise called Time Warp Tuesday here on Four of a Kind! In case you missed my original post about this, here is the background of how and why I came up with the idea. If you are here to participate and link […]


When I first heard that my friend Lori, from Write Mind Open Heart, was going to be “live tweeting” the funeral of the husband of fellow blogger Melissa, from Full Circle, I had mixed feelings. Though I knew that Lori had gotten Melissa’s permission and blessing to do so, my initial reaction was cynical and I questioned if […]


“Like my mama says, ‘endings are important,’ she always told me that, and I just really feel like we are ending really strong with this.” ~ Jeremy Piven (who plays Agent Ari Gold) on A Final Farewell to Entourage which aired on HBO this weekend Tomorrow night the eighth and last season of one of Bob […]


Our Box of Memories

by Kathy on July 12, 2011 · 4 comments

in Loss, Love, Memories, Molly, Our Home, Quotes, Time

For years they have been on a shelf in Sean and Abby’s bedroom closet. Today I managed to fit most of our mementos related to our baby girl Molly into this box. I find that very bittersweet, that a life could be so short that you can fit all those special things into just one […]


Sometime over the past few weeks I became aware of an awesome project that Angie from Still Life with Circles had started on her blog. She began by writing a very thoughtful and moving post about where she is at in her grief and her life right now, two years, five months and counting since […]