Towards the end of this past school year I chaperoned a field trip with my son Sean’s second grade class to the Museum of Science and Industry (MSI) here in Chicago. I was responsible for exploring MSI with a group of five students, including Sean. I have always loved going to MSI and especially enjoy […]
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“Women need food, water and compliments. That’s right. And an occasional pair of shoes. ” ~ Chris Rock ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ It is Day 11 of NaBloPoMo for July and I am finally getting around to writing about one of the prompts for this month’s theme “kidding around:” Tell us about your favorite comedian. There are other prompts that […]
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You’ve probably heard about this speech somewhere lately. It was on my radar, but I hadn’t taken the time to try to find and read it. Thankfully today it found its way to me through an old friend who shared a link to it on Facebook, which showed up in my news feed. It was just […]
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by Kathy on March 26, 2012 · 6 comments
in Abby, Background, Bob, Conferences, Dance, Ectopic, Exercise, Expectations, Forgiveness, Happiness, Infertility, Inspiration, Loss, Miscarriage, Molly, Perfect Moments, Pregnancy, Pregnancy Loss, Quotes, TTC, Uncategorized
It’s the fourth Monday of the month which means its time to share our Perfect Moments from March with Lori from Write Mind Open Heart. This is my first Perfect Moment Monday here at my new blog Bereaved and Blessed and I am getting this one in just under the wire! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This weekend I was a […]
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by Kathy on March 9, 2012 · 23 comments
in Abby, Bereavement, Blessed, Chicago, Coping, Family, Gratitude, Grief, Inspiration, Journey, Life, Loss, Quotes, Sean, Waiting
Last week I didn’t know what that meant. Today I do, along with many others in our Beverly neighborhood who are honoring the life and memory of Marine Corporal Conner Lowry. Semper Fi, short for Semper Fidelis, is latin for Always Faithful. The Marine Corps uses it as their motto and their inspiration as they serve and […]
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by Kathy on March 6, 2012 · 0 comments
in Abby, BlogHer, Bob, Coping, Family, Gratitude, Happiness, Healing, Hope, Infertility, Life, Loss, Love, Memories, Molly, Optimism, Quotes, Relationships, The Future
This week I am participating for the first time in BlogHer and Procter & Gamble’s Life Well Lived editorial program as part of a panel of bloggers. The category our panel writes about is “Getting Happy” and we were asked to answer this question: How do you teach the children in your life happiness? I […]
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