Neonatal Death

I came across this while looking for my old passport this morning. I believe it was the only piece of mail our Molly-girl ever received. I remember how bittersweet it was at the time. Then a friend pointed out it is another reminder that Molly lived. She was here, if only for a short time.

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It’s October 15th again. The ninth October 15th since our family experienced our first miscarriage in December 2004. It’s hard to believe that much time has passed since we were introduced to the world of pregnancy loss. As I shared last year in my post on October 15th, It is a bittersweet day for many families […]


She was sharing their story again, one I have heard so many times and variations of in recent years, since they lost their first child and joined our group. It’s a sad story, but also one filled with love, hope and determination to build their family. This time she compared how it feels trying to […]


Though our daughter Molly was not stillborn, so much of this video still resonates with me. Please watch and share this. We need to make it okay to talk about babies dying. It happens. And it makes life more bearable for many parents who have lost children, when we are able to feel comfortable talking about […]

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Every year it is a bittersweet day for many families who have lost babies. It represents both grief and hope. It reminds us of our little ones who left this world too soon, as well as everyone in our lives who have helped us to learn to live without them here on earth. Our babies will […]


It’s the last Monday of the month which means its time to share our Perfect Moments from March with Lori from Lavender Luz. I look forward to participating in this blog hop/writing exercise hosted by my friend, and newly published author, every month. 38 is the number of families who are represented on our Team Caring Connection t-shirts. Sadly these 38 […]