
We are a team of bereaved parents, grandparents, siblings, aunts, uncles, cousins and other loved ones running/walking for hope and remembering our babies who left this world too soon through miscarriage, pregnancy loss, stillbirth and infant death. Many of us are members (current and past) of Advocate Christ Medical Center’s Perinatal Bereavement Support Group called […]


On the Eve of Valentine’s Day 2008, Bob and I went to one of our bi-weekly Wednesday perinatal echocardiograms to find out how our baby girl Molly was doing. Her cardiologist, Dr. Cuneo, shared with us that our daughter’s heart had begun to fail. She told us that if we wanted to take the aggressive route […]


Holding Her

by Kathy on December 10, 2013 · 12 comments

in Coping, Family, Loss, Love, Memories, Molly, Siblings, Signs

It’s been over 5 1/2 year since I last held Molly in my arms. Today I got to hold a special bear that weighs the same as Molly did, 4 lbs. 10 oz. It was awesome and surreal to hold our “Molly Bear” for the first time. She arrived late this afternoon, after a day that […]


Though our daughter Molly was not stillborn, so much of this video still resonates with me. Please watch and share this. We need to make it okay to talk about babies dying. It happens. And it makes life more bearable for many parents who have lost children, when we are able to feel comfortable talking about […]

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Every year it is a bittersweet day for many families who have lost babies. It represents both grief and hope. It reminds us of our little ones who left this world too soon, as well as everyone in our lives who have helped us to learn to live without them here on earth. Our babies will […]


I remember your first day of Kindergarten, in September 2009. You were so excited and so were we! You chose to wear your “Life is Good – PB & J” t-shirt as you thought it would be fun for your classmates to know how much you like to eat PB & J sandwiches and so […]