Good evening! Thank you for all of your kinds words, thoughts and prayers on Molly’s birthday earlier this month. I still intend to share with you sometime soon about Molly’s birthday/celebration of life weekend (April 17 – 19) and about when we told Sean that he is going to be a big brother again. However, […]
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What we have once enjoyed and loved deeply, we can never lose. For all that we love deeply becomes a part of us. ~ Helen Keller So here we are, one year later. Spring has arrived. The tulips, daffodils and magnolias are beginning to bloom. Lent has come and gone and we are Easter people […]
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Until recently when I heard the phrase “sock it to me” I first thought of the song Respect by Aretha Franklin. Every once in a while I would also think of that “Laugh-In” clip of former President Richard Nixon saying “sock it to me” a bunch of different ways. Now when I hear “sock it […]
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Thank you for all of your kind and enthusiastic comments on my recent posts! 🙂 Your continued support and encouragement mean so much to me. This is still all very surreal for us. It is hard for me to believe that I am almost 17 weeks pregnant with a baby girl that appears to be […]
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GIRL! 🙂 I would have shared that in my last post, but literally ran out of time when I was writing it. It also is news worthy of its own post! Anyway, Bob and I knew we might have the opportunity to find out baby’s gender today, as (some of you may recall) […]
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