
Greetings from our third trimester! 🙂 I know I have not posted here much lately and apologize to those of you who may have been concerned. At this point no news continues to be good news for us and our new baby girl. I guess when things are going somewhat normally in my life, I […]


This Sunday, June 28 is the first anniversary of Molly’s estimated due date (EDD) last year. Had she been healthy and born close to when she was due, we likely would have recently held or be soon having her first birthday party. Also, five years ago this week, when Sean was just nine months old, […]


Good afternoon! I am checking in to let you know that we had our 25 week (gestation) echocardiogram (echo) this morning. Baby Benson’s heart looked great and normal according to the tech and our perinatal cardiologist! They both seemed glad to see us and to be able to deliver such wonderful news! Bob and I […]


To quote Ferris Buller, “life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in awhile, you could miss it.” The past month or so has seemed to just fly by and in effort not to miss my life, I have spent less time on the computer and put off sharing about Molly’s […]


The Final Four

by Kathy on May 13, 2009 · 9 comments

in Baby Benson, Bob, Molly, Sean, The Future

So I think we have narrowed our possible name picks for Baby Benson down to four, though technically there are still others on our “list.” You would think after trying to expand our family for almost five years now that naming our new baby girl wouldn’t be that difficult, we certainly have had plenty of […]


Another quick update to share about the Level II ultrasound that we had this morning for Baby Benson. Highlights include: The Maternal Fetal Medicine specialist said that he thinks everything continues to look “normal!” This was another huge milestone for our family, as we understood going into today’s extensive ultrasound that problems can be discovered […]