Three weeks from tomorrow (Thursday), if all goes well, we will get to meet our new baby girl. If she is born healthy, in theory we will get to bring her home a few days later. Did I really just type that? It’s been over five years since Bob and I started trying to have […]
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So I think I have entered a new phase in our pregnancy. A phase that I imagine is common for those who have lost babies. I am starting to get a bit paranoid about what could go wrong with our new baby girl that could keep her from coming home with us and cause her […]
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Last night we got home from Sean’s last AYSO soccer game of the season/awards night and since he was getting to bed later we skipped our normal format for prayers (naming all of our family members and some close friends, followed by our “special prayers”) and went with the abbreviated “God bless all our family […]
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Are you ready for my third post this week?! I can’t remember the last time I did that… Bob and Sean have been up at his parents’ summer home in Michigan this week for a family vacation. While I would usually join them, in light of my third trimester discomforts, including not enjoying extended periods […]
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I have intended to share about the night we told Sean about our new baby girl for months now, but the time kept getting away from me. Back in April, when we told him, I did jot down a bunch of notes about our announcement and the conversation that ensued. So here is my recollection […]
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So I am not actually attending the BlogHer conference in Chicago this weekend, however I did have the opportunity today to meet up with our very own Stirrup Queen Mel, and some other bloggers who are, for lunch today. As those of you who have gotten to meet Mel know, she is as genuine and […]
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