you take it with you.” ~ Sam says to Molly in the movie “Ghost” after he dies I was eating my breakfast this morning, after Bob and Sean left to catch their respective train and bus to work and to school, while reading and commenting on my friends’ status updates on Facebook (I find it […]
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As you may have noticed, I blog more often when I am anxious. Thank you so much for your kind words, support, encouragement, thoughts and prayers. They help me so much to take this journey one day at a time and know that so many people are holding me and my family close as we […]
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Thank you for your comments on my last post and for repeating my new mantra with me, “September 17 is going to be a happy day!” I have continued to try to focus on that statement and not worry too much about what could possibly go wrong between now and then (our new baby girl’s […]
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by Kathy on September 3, 2009 · 13 comments
in Baby Benson, Background, Bob, Fear, Hope, Loss, Milestones, Molly, Sean, The Future
Another week down and two to go… if our new baby girl doesn’t arrive early! 🙂 This journey continues to be such an awesome and strange mix of emotions as we prepare to meet our third child/second daughter. The closer we get to her scheduled birth (via c-section) on September 17, the more real this […]
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Molly’s Godparents, my sister Meg and her husband Bill (pictured here on their wedding day last September), are working with The Cradle (in Evanston, Illinois) to adopt a child. The Cradle encourages couples waiting to be matched to network, as many adoptions are identified from outside the agency (even out of state). Meg and Bill […]
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I have a thing for funerals/memorial services. Not that I ever want someone to die, especially loved ones, but I find them really moving. I appreciate hearing eulogies and knowing special stories and memories of how the deceased have touched others’ lives. I am inspired by their legacies and how their memories will live on […]
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