Today was a busy day. Abby and I picked up Sean at the bus stop after school and then headed out to their pediatrician’s office so Sean could finally get his H1N1 vaccination. On the way home we stopped at the cemetery to visit Molly’s grave. Being that it was a cold day and there […]
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Bob, Sean, Abby and I with Molly in our hearts wish you and yours a very Merry Christmas!
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Back in September 2006, when I went to see my therapist (who specialized in infertility and pregnancy loss) for the first time she told me “this will be resolved.” I found that statement to be so liberating, as at the time I felt so overwhelmed by our inability to conceive and then to sustain pregnanciessince […]
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I would not have believed you if you had told me this time last year that today I would have a happy and healthy eight week old baby girl! 🙂 HAPPY 8 WEEKS ABBY! Mommy, Daddy and Sean are so blessed and lucky to have you in our life (with Molly always in our hearts)! […]
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Thank you so much for your comments on my last two posts announcing Abigail Grace’s birth and sharing some early photos of her and our family! Your genuine enthusiasm, kind words, continued support, thoughts and prayers mean so much to me. Abby is four weeks old today and though I am very sleep deprived, in […]
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Dear family and friends, Today is a happy day! It is with great joy that we share the news that our daughter/baby sister Abigail Grace Bensonwas born safely and healthy this morning Thursday, September 17, 2009 at 7:55 a.m. weighing 9 lbs. 5 oz. measuring 21 inchesKathy and Abby are both doing well. We look […]
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