In light of the 2nd anniversary of our daughter Molly’s birth and death on Saturday (April 17), I thought I would share this. I reconnected with an old friend on Facebook, not long after I joined almost two years ago now, and found out that she too had lost a baby (she had a son […]
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by Kathy on April 17, 2010 · 8 comments
in Abby, Birthdays, Bob, Family, Godparents, Healing, Loss, Milestones, Molly, Sean
Happy Birthday Molly Marie! We love you and miss you so much! Once again I find myself wondering who you would be today? I watch your cousins and friends, whom you would have been close in age to, grow and develop and often think about you and imagine you playing with them. I see the […]
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by Kathy on April 9, 2010 · 7 comments
in ALI Community, Blogoversary, Bob, CHD, Frozen Embryos, Healing, Inspiration, Loss, Milestones, Molly, NIAW, Sean, The Future
In case you haven’t read about Mel’s latest amazing idea/partnership with Resolve called “Project IF,” please click here to do so before reading the rest of my post. Isn’t this an awesome way for people to express their hopes, dreams and fears as they relate to their ALI (Adoption, Loss and/or Infertility) journeys?! I certainly […]
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…okay, not for another 9 days! But it sort of feels like it today and my special day (March 6) on which I will turn 35 years old (a.k.a. “advanced maternal age”) is on the horizon! Today I am having one of those days where everything seems to be turning out just perfectly! 🙂 Two […]
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If you have been watching the Winter Olympics in Vancouver, Canada on television over the past two weeks, as Bob and I have been most nights, you may have noticed during many of the events that when the athletes have completed an event (whether timed, judged or both), that a red bar shows up on […]
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I have never been a big fan of Conan O’Brien. I don’t dislike him. I think he is a pretty funny guy. I just didn’t watch his late night show regularly before or after he got The Tonight Show gig 7 months ago. However, over the past few weeks I got sucked into the coverage […]
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