
Greetings! I am writing three different versions of this post/note/update in three different places online. Of course one is here on my blog (that you are reading right now) and the other two are for Facebook and our CarePage. For those reading it on Facebook and on our CarePage, it may the first time many […]


What Is

by Kathy on January 24, 2011 · 8 comments

in Abby, Bob, Decisions, Frozen Embryos, Hope, Molly, The Future, Transitions

It has been a very emotional week for me for a variety of reasons. I will likely post about some of the reasons here in the days to come, but for now I want to share about just one of them. I got a call this morning from the director of the stem cell research […]


Merry Christmas!

by Kathy on December 23, 2010 · 0 comments

in Abby, Bob, Holidays, Molly, Sean

Bob, Sean, Abby and Iwith Molly in our heartswish you and yours a very Merry Christmas!


Happy Halloween!

by Kathy on October 31, 2010 · 3 comments

in Abby, Bob, Holidays, Molly, Sean

Wishing you and yours a spooktacular Halloween! Love, Kathy, Bob, Sean & Abbywith Molly in our hearts


The Circle of Life

by Kathy on September 9, 2010 · 5 comments

in Abby, Adoption, Bob, Family, Godparents, Loss, Molly, Sean

I can’t believe that it is been four months since I last posted anything here. It is certainly the longest I have gone since I began blogging in April 2007 and it took me well over a month to compose this one. My absence has not been for lack of news, thoughts or emotions to […]


Some of you may recall a post that I wrote around this time last year called Grace and the Odds. I had watched Grey’s Anatomy and been really moved by some of the dialogue in that night’s episode between two of the main characters on the show. Well last night I found myself once again […]