
To all those who have lost a baby, at any stage of life and development (including miscarriage, stillbirth and infant death), my thoughts and prayers go out to you, especially on this International Babylost Mothers Day. According to Carly Dudley, founder of International Babylost Mothers Day (IBMD) and Names in the Sand: IBMD recognizes babylost women all over […]


It’s National Infertility Awareness Week (NIAW) April 24 – 30 and today I am participating in the “Bust an Infertility Myth Blog Challenge.” I have chosen to “Bust a Myth” about Secondary Infertility, which my family and I dealt with for over five years. There is one secondary infertility myth listed on Resolve’s list of […]


I have been thinking about my recent Perfect Moment Monday post about being “that someone.” I felt the need to follow up and in some ways clarify what I believe about ideas and concepts like that. First, I thank you for your comments both here and on the Facebook. I am glad that some of you […]


Happy 3rd Heavenly Birthday Molly Marie! Where does the time go? It is hard for me to grasp that today we will be releasing three balloons into the sky when we visit your grave, light a candle and sing happy birthday to our forever baby girl. It has been another incredible and very busy year […]


This afternoon I took Abby and Sean to their pediatrician’s office, as Abby had not been acting like herself. She had been fussier than usual today and she didn’t seem to have much of an appetite. When Abby woke up from her afternoon nap she was inconsolable for about 15 minutes, she just wanted to […]


Greetings and welcome to this stop on the A Gift of Time Book Tour! This is my third time participating in a book tour and my first time hosting one. My previous experiences were with Eat, Pray, Love and Life from Scratch. For those of you not familiar with book tours, they are essentially online […]