by Kathy on December 1, 2024 · 1 comment
in Babies Benson, Blogging, Exercise, Gratitude, IVF #2 (converted to IUI#1), Loss, Milestones, Miscarriage, Pregnancy Loss, Repronex, Running, Sperm, The Past, Then and Now, Therapy
20 years ago today, on December 1, 2004, we experienced our first miscarriage. I was about seven weeks pregnant, with an estimated due date (EDD) of July 20, 2005. Sean was 13 months old when I tested positive with a home pregnancy test on November 10, 2004. We were trying and I was anxious to […]
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by Kathy on October 2, 2024 · 0 comments
in Anticipation, Background, Bereavement, Birthdays, Change, Courage, Decisions, Family, Friends, Gratitude, Grief, Happiness, Hope, Journey, Life, Loss, Love, Milestones, Priorities, Relationships, Sean, Siblings, Song Lyrics, Time, Travel
Today you’ve reached a significant milestone in a young adult’s life, your young adult life. Today you are 21 years old. I had a bit of trouble falling asleep last night and as I was trying to settle down, I reflected on how I was actually awake most of the night before you were born. […]
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by Kathy on June 13, 2024 · 0 comments
in Art, Background, Bereavement, Birthdays, Blessed, Cancer, Change, Coping, Decisions, Diversions, Family, Grief, Life, Loss, Love, Memories, Milestones, Mom, Reality, Relationships, Sadness, Signs, Time
For my 48th birthday last year, in March 2023, my mom contributed to my getting an Art Institute of Chicago membership, something I’ve done and really enjoyed off and on over the years. I got it as part of a deal that lasted 15 months, so it doesn’t expire until the end of this month. […]
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by Kathy on April 17, 2024 · 1 comment
in Background, Bereavement, Birthdays, Coping, Exercise, Faith, Family, Gail, Grief, Journey, Life, Loss, Love, Memories, Milestones, Molly, Mom, Music, Neonatal Death, Parenting, Sadness, School, Sean, Siblings, The Past, Time, Vacations, Writing
Dear Molly, I re-read last year’s post from your birthday/the anniversary of your death and was struck by how much of it applies to how I feel now/this year. When navigating difficult and uncertain times, I often think I’ve never felt like this before, it is so hard. However, in reality every age and stage […]
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by Kathy on April 13, 2024 · 4 comments
in Accountability, Anticipation, Background, Blogging, Books, Change, Coping, Decisions, Exercise, Gail, Game Changers, Grief, Healing, Infertility, Inspiration, Journey, Life, Loss, Memories, Milestones, Miscarriage, Molly, Mom, Pregnancy Loss, Priorities, Resolution, Sean, The Future, The Past, Therapy, Time, Transitions
Today it’s been nine months since Mom died and I have so many swirling thoughts that surround this milestone. I miss her so much. I think a lot about all that I learned from her in my 48 of her 80 years on this earth. I am inspired by how committed Mom was to living […]
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by Kathy on February 29, 2024 · 0 comments
in Background, Before I Blogged, Blogging, Bob, Change, Coping, Courage, Dad, Expectations, Family, Friends, Gail, Grief, Hope, Journey, Life, Loss, Love, Marriage, Memories, Milestones, Molly, Mom, Our Home, Parenting, Planning, Priorities, Reality, Relationships, Sadness, Sean, The Future, The Past, Time, Travel, Vacations
It’s my 13th Leap Day. On my 11th, I shared this post, which was adapted from an earlier version that I wrote for The3Six5 writing project, on February 29, 2012 (my 10th Leap Day). I am including parts of those two posts (in some cases adapted) again today, as they are interesting to revisit. I […]
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