by Kathy on April 17, 2020 · 1 comment
in Abby, Babies Benson, Bereavement, Birthdays, Change, Coping, Ectopic, Family, Gratitude, Grief, Hope, Life, Loss, Love, Luck, Memories, Mental Health, Molly, OB/GYN, Our Home, Planning, Pregnancy Loss, Reality, Relationships, Siblings, Signs, The 17th, Time, Travel, Vacations, Waiting
Happy 12th Heavenly Birthday, Molly Marie! Oh, how things can change in 12 years, not to mention 12 months… This picture certainly represents that — combining a symbol of the difficult, uncertain, and heartbreaking reality our nation and world are living through (a roll of toilet paper), with an imprint of a symbol that is […]
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by Kathy on December 31, 2019 · 2 comments
in Abby, Accountability, Bereavement, Birthdays, Blogging, Bob, Books, breast care, Change, Chicago, Communication, Coping, Courage, Decisions, Expectations, Family, Food, Friends, Game Changers, Grief, Happiness, Holidays, Hope, Life, Loss, Love, Luck, Memories, Mental Health, Mistakes, Molly, Movies, Music, Parenting, Planning, Priorities, Reality, Relationships, Resolutions, Sadness, Sean, Social Media, The Future, The Past, Theater, Therapy, Time, Transitions, Travel, TV Shows, Vacations, Writing
8 years ago I participated in a year-end blog meme for the first time called Rewind 2011, with fun and interesting questions designed to get writers and readers to reflect on our lives in 2011. I did so again the following year, with my Rewind 2012. Ever since I did this writing exercise those two […]
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by Kathy on February 19, 2019 · 0 comments
in Background, Bereavement, Communication, Coping, Exercise, Family, Friends, Gatekeeping, Grace, Gratitude, Grief, Hope, Inspiration, Life, Loss, Love, Memories, Mental Health, Music, Peace, Reality, Relationships, Sadness, Social Media, Song Lyrics, Suicide Prevention, Theater, Time, Triggers
How are you feeling? What are your plans for tomorrow? Welcome to the fifteenth edition of my “Gatekeeping” blog series. I shared the back story of these simple and yet powerful questions in this post. It’s been about 5 months since we last did some Gatekeeping here. Yesterday I learned that an old/hometown friend lost her battle […]
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by Kathy on October 17, 2018 · 0 comments
in Bereavement, Cancer, Coping, Courage, Fear, Game Changers, Grief, Healing, Inspiration, Journey, Life, Loss, Love, Mental Health, Pain, Podcasts, Relationships, Therapy, Writing
“Creation for me is the antidote to despair.” ~ Elizabeth Gilbert I follow Elizabeth “Liz” Gilbert on Instagram and saw her post this morning about a new podcast, The Ted Interview, for which she was the first guest. Though I haven’t seen a ton of Ted Talks, I get so much out of them when I take the […]
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by Kathy on September 10, 2018 · 0 comments
in Bereavement, Blessed, Blogging, Communication, Coping, Gatekeeping, Gratitude, Grief, Hope, Journey, Life, Loss, Love, Mental Health, Pain, Reality, Relationships, Sadness, Sensativity, Suicide Prevention, Writing
How are you feeling? What are your plans for tomorrow? Welcome to the fourteenth edition of my “Gatekeeping” blog series. I shared the back story of these simple and yet powerful questions in this post. It’s been well over a year since we last did some Gatekeeping here. In recent years I’ve been surprised by how much […]
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by Kathy on March 7, 2018 · 0 comments
in Accountability, Anxiety, Change, Decisions, Journey, Mental Health, Social Media, Time, Transitions, Writing
My anxiety has been higher lately, than it has been in a while. I’ve determined it would help me to simplify some of my daily routines. I am letting go of some things that may’ve once served me, but now seem to take up more time than they are worth. That letting go includes creating […]
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