
Let’s do the Time Warp again! Welcome to the twenty-third installment of my blog hop/writing exercise called Time Warp Tuesday! For those not familiar with Time Warp Tuesdays, which I host on the 2nd Tuesday of every month, here is the background of how and why I came up with the idea. If you are here to […]


This past week has been a whirlwind! We were away for Labor Day Weekend and had a wonderful last hurrah with family and friends. Yesterday was Sean’s first day of school (third grade) and overall it went very well. Next week Abby starts preschool three mornings a week and in the meantime I am trying […]


It’s Day 28 of NaBloPoMo for July and as I shared in my introductory post, one of the reasons I decided to participate this month was because the awesome prompts. In part because of it being a holiday week, I didn’t get around to writing about one of the prompts (for July 3) that I […]


It’s the first day of NaBloPoMo for July and the theme is Kids. One of the main reasons I signed up to participate this time around  is that I really like the prompts that Melissa Ford came up with and am excited to write about many of them. Since we don’t get prompts for the weekend days (and I likely […]


This past season on Grey’s Anatomy there was a storyline about a baby, who was born premature, dying. The baby’s mother had the opportunity to hold her son, watch him and wait for him to take his last breath. As Bob and I watched that scene together I got choked up thinking about and remembering […]


It’s the fourth Monday of the month which means its time to share our Perfect Moments from May with Lori from Write Mind Open Heart. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Last year on Memorial Day, after running in my 4th Ridge Run 5K Race in our Beverly neighborhood here in Chicago, I shared the story here of how I learned […]