by Kathy on April 14, 2014 · 2 comments
in Courage, Healing, Hope, Inspiration, Life, Loss, Love, Memories, Movies, Quotes, Relationships, The Past, Time
“I’m looking for a dare to be great situation.” ~ Lloyd Dobler (Say Anything) 25 years ago today (April 14, 1989), one of my all-time favorite movies, Say Anything, was released. I was in eighth grade and, if I recall correctly, went to see it with a one of my good friends, who I met […]
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by Kathy on April 12, 2014 · 11 comments
in Accountability, Background, Bereavement, Birthdays, Change, Coping, Decisions, Family, Loss, Memories, Molly, Planning
For the past six years, on Molly’s Heavenly Birthday in April and at our perinatal bereavement support group’s Walk to Remember in October, our family has participated in beautiful and therapeutic balloon releases in honor and memory of Molly, Babies Benson and other babies who left this world too soon. In the early years all I knew […]
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by Kathy on February 13, 2014 · 18 comments
in Abby, Background, Bereavement, Blessed, Bob, CRHP, Decisions, Faith, Family, Forgiveness, Gratitude, Hope, Life, Loss, Love, Memories, Molly, Parenting, Pregnancy, Sean, Secondary Infertility, The Past, Time
On the Eve of Valentine’s Day 2008, Bob and I went to one of our bi-weekly Wednesday perinatal echocardiograms to find out how our baby girl Molly was doing. Her cardiologist, Dr. Cuneo, shared with us that our daughter’s heart had begun to fail. She told us that if we wanted to take the aggressive route […]
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It’s been over 5 1/2 year since I last held Molly in my arms. Today I got to hold a special bear that weighs the same as Molly did, 4 lbs. 10 oz. It was awesome and surreal to hold our “Molly Bear” for the first time. She arrived late this afternoon, after a day that […]
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by Kathy on October 15, 2013 · 0 comments
in Babies Benson, Bereavement, Coping, Gratitude, Grief, Healing, Hope, Journey, Loss, Love, Memories, Miscarriage, Molly, Neonatal Death, October 15, Pain, Parenting, Pregnancy Loss, Time
Every year it is a bittersweet day for many families who have lost babies. It represents both grief and hope. It reminds us of our little ones who left this world too soon, as well as everyone in our lives who have helped us to learn to live without them here on earth. Our babies will […]
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by Kathy on October 11, 2013 · 4 comments
in Addiction, Bereavement, Coping, Friends, Grief, Healing, Inspiration, Life, Loss, Memories, Pain, Quotes, Relationships, Sadness, TV Shows
I haven’t watched Glee regularly in a while. But there was no way I was going to miss tonight’s episode, honoring the life and memory of Cory Montieth (1982 – 2013), who played Finn Hudson on the show. In fact, I watched it twice in a row. The first time, just to experience it, as I almost […]
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