
Where were you on Wednesday, January 13, 1999? Seriously. Do you remember? Anything? I was in grad school at the University of Illinois in Urbana Champaign, getting my masters in Leisure Studies (for real, that is something one can major and get multiple degrees in). I am pretty sure I was back from winter break, […]

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Happy 7th Heavenly Birthday, Molly Marie! Seven years… That’s how long you’ve been gone. How long it’s been since you lived. Your sister Abby keeps your memory alive as much as anyone these days, which amazes me. She never knew you in this lifetime, but she seems fascinated by you. She imagines and wonders and questions. […]


I was sitting across the table from her, in their kitchen. I asked how she was doing. She said, “really busy.” I said, “I know what you mean.” She replied, “I’m not sure that you do…” And then she told me. He got an amazing new job offer, the opportunity of a lifetime. High risk […]


I came across this while looking for my old passport this morning. I believe it was the only piece of mail our Molly-girl ever received. I remember how bittersweet it was at the time. Then a friend pointed out it is another reminder that Molly lived. She was here, if only for a short time.

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I love this post my friend J wrote and shared today about what she would tell her 2013 self, if she could go back in time. As I reflect on the year that was 2014 and prepare for 2015, I decided to do the same. So to Kathleen Marie in 2013: 1. You truly never know what […]


It’s October 15th again. The ninth October 15th since our family experienced our first miscarriage in December 2004. It’s hard to believe that much time has passed since we were introduced to the world of pregnancy loss. As I shared last year in my post on October 15th, It is a bittersweet day for many families […]