
Tuesday, 1-9-96 12:49 AM London 6:49 PM E-Town (1-8-96) First class at Birckbeck today: International Business! The Prof. (or “tutor”) is a great guy named Paul Cooper, who Michelle Cook had told me about. The class seems interesting! Had to get into groups already for a project, which led to my having a moral dilemma… […]


Sunday, 1-7-96 12:16 AM Broughton/Chester, Wales 6:16 PM E-Town (1-6-96) I am a bit homesick right now. Mostly because I am tired… I also have been drinking & the two don’t mix well. Dad would be glad to know I didn’t drink too much, knowing I wasn’t in the mood or up to it tonight. […]


Saturday, 1-6-96 1:37 AM Broughton/Chester, Wales 7:37 PM Evanston (1-5-96) Talk about expectations… I don’t know what I quite imagined my first night on my home stay to be like, but it sure wasn’t like this! ☺︎ After my 5 hr. bus ride here to Wales, during which I mostly slept, I arrived w/ the other […]


Dear Abigail Grace, What to say to you… It’s September 17th again! Your 9th Birthday! How exciting is that?! You’ve been asking for days what time you could wake up this morning, since you wanted to get the celebration going as early as possible… In part because you wanted to be sure there would be […]


Friday, 1-5-96 5:50 PM London 11:50 AM E-Town I am writing this from a coach (a comfy bus). Myself and over 20 other ISA students are headed for our family stays in Chester, England. By bus, Chester is about 5 hrs. NW of London. Chester is rather near Liverpool where Graham Reed, from camp this […]


Thursday, 1-4-96 12:26 AM London 6:26 PM E-Town (1-3-96) Another LONG day… But I am beginning to adjust more easily and feel more confident about my decision to study here… I got up this morning at 7:30 AM. I felt a bit more sane after catching up on some sleep! Lori got up then too. […]