
It’s been three weeks since the last day (Tuesday, July 11th) that I spent time with Mom, when she was fully conscious, and what a three weeks it has been. As with so many things in life, in some ways it feels like these weeks have flown by, while at the same time these last […]


“Life just goes on without them.” ~ Dylan Keefe Three weeks ago today I wrote a blog post with that title, quoting the bass guitarist for Marcy Playground about his father’s unexpected death in 1995. I shared a link to it on Facebook and my mom commented that it was, “Beautifully written and insightful! 💕” […]


Three years ago today in 2020 was the first time Mom, Dad and I were together in person after not seeing each other for three and half months (the second longest we’d ever gone) due to the start of the pandemic. The longest was when I studied abroad in London, during the spring semester of […]


With each passing year, these birthday/anniversary of your death letters/blog entries seem get harder to write. I know that I don’t have to continue with them and if I ever choose to stop or take a break that would be okay. Life feels really heavy and hard right now. As with every age and stage […]


Middle Age Maladies

by Kathy on February 5, 2023 · 2 comments

in Anticipation, Bones, Eyes, Hope, Life, Medical Stuff

Next month I turn 48 and it seems this stage of middle age brings with it a host of seemingly random, and at times rare, medical challenges. I am not referring to Perimenopause, though I am definitely in the later stages of that, and it probably deserves it’s own post. Last year, after we moved […]


11 years ago I participated in a year-end blog meme for the first time called Rewind 2011, with fun and interesting questions designed to get writers and readers to reflect on our lives in 2011. I did so again the following year, with my Rewind 2012. After that I took six years off, starting up […]